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Urban Legends Store

Onyx, Bacdafucup (Limited Edition 2LP)


Onyx's debut album Bacdafucup was originally released in 1993. In honor of the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop, this is reissued on limited edition 2LP translucent tan vinyl.


A1 Bacdafucup
A2 Bichasniguz
A3 Throw Ya Gunz
A4 Here 'N' Now
A5 Bust Dat Ass
B1 Atak Of Da Bal-Hedz
B2 Da Mad Face Invasion
B3 Blac Vagina Finda
B4 Da Bounca Nigga
B5 Nigga Bridges

C1 Onyx Is Here
C2 Slam
C3 Stik 'N' Muve
C4 Bichasbootleguz
D1 Shifftee
D2 Phat ('N' All Dat)
D3 Da Nex Niguz
D4 Getdafucout"